Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Finding volunteering work is not that easy after all....

Over the last 5 months I have tried to find two meaningful charity projects around the world in which I could have worked for 3 months. Looking back finding one wasn't easy at all - in fact I would say I could have easier have found a new paid job than a meaningful volunteer job. This has mainly to do with following facts:

- In the days of the global crisis, unemployed professionals have swamped charities with applications to bridge their time with meaningful work.
- Graduates of the charity sector (e.g. foreign development or politics) are willing to start off their career with unpaid internships to get a foot into Non Profit Organisations to further down the road receive a full job. And they are so much more qualified with having experiences such as living in developing countries etc.
- After all as a IT Project manager I am not particularly qualified for volunteering work

So over the last months I definitely had to adjust my expectations of charities welcoming me with open arms as I was willing to work for free and thought I was qualified.

In den letzten 5 Monaten habe ich mich intensiv darum bemüht für jeweils zweimal 3 Monate eine sinnvolle ehrenamtliche Arbeit zu finden. Was sich im Nachhinein nicht wirklich als leicht herausgestellt hat - ich würde sogar behaupten, es wäre mir leichter gefallen einen neuen Job zu finden als gute ehrenamtliche Arbeit, das hat hauptsächlich folgende Gründe:

- Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen sind völlig überflutet mit Bewerbungen für freiwillige Arbeit aufgrund der schlechten globalen Wirtschaftslage - jeder scheint die Zeit ohne Arbeit mit ehrenamtlicher Arbeit zu überbrücken.
- Viele Studenten in dieser Branche machen kostenlose Praktikas und sind um einiges besser qualifiziert (z.B. haben schon Auslandsaufenthalte in Entwicklungsländern vorzuweisen)
- Wirklich qualifiziert für ehrenamtliche Arbeit bin ich nicht als IT Projekt Manager der "nur" Englisch spricht.

Das heißt ich musste erstmal meine Vorstellung zurecht rücken, dass ich als kostenloste und qualifizierte Arbeitskraft mit offenen Armen von Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen empfangen werde.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Joe

    Hope this is reaching safe and well, I look forward to your pictures and daily logs, I know you will have stuggles but they will be trumped by the success that you will bring to your work that you put in as well as to locals of your community. If you need resources please post on this site and I will try to help as much as I can.

    When I did my Peace Corps Service we were able to identify various resources in the states that were free. Not which level you will be teaching in but please check this site as if you have internet access you can utilize this resource.

    Also if you are still looking for ideas please check this site out. This is a site that was created and by a good friend of mine who was also a peace corps volunteer as well. If you would like I can put him in touch with you.

    Education references

    Balaji K (DB)
