- The 16 hour rides in a little "busetta" to reunite a kid with his family and see that everything is good order for him.
- The reggaton and salsa music which plays in every corner of this country
- Nights up on 3000+x meters hight where you think you can grab a star so clear and close they appear
- Play Football/Basketball and American Football with the kids about every day
- Teaching teenagers at a local highschool basic Rules of American Football (btw. if anybody wants to contribute to a shipment of 20 American Footballs let me know)
- be surrounded by stunning nature
- eat fried pork, fried plantains and drink sugar cain lemonade... to die for....
- eat the fruit flesh of a cacau plant, chewed sugar chain, ate a fruit which makes everything you eat afterwards sweet for example salt or a lime....
- and much much more.....Joe